Ryan Peggy Diawan1, Valentina Dyah Arum Sari2

Universitas Mercu Buana, Yogyakarta

Email: peggydiawan0497@gmail.com1, valentina@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id2


Since the pandemic of Covid-19 has been attacking Indonesia in 2020, the government set new rules to study and work from home based on the Circular Letter of Education Ministry no. 30/SE/2020. The teaching and learning activities are conducted online. It made students and lecturers have to be sufficiently ready in infrastructure and competent for facing an online learning. Online learning readiness in infrastructure support and experience will impact both lecture and student to use the internet. Lectures’ readiness and experience in online learning will be really important. Those will affect his or her performance in delivering materials and giving feedback to their students. Then for the students, readiness and experience factor are really important towards student’s understanding which will impact their productive skills. Each student and lecturer have a different ability in computer experience, tools, and internet connection stability in each area. The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ and lecturers’ readiness on online learning of productive skills. It analyzed speaking and writing classes for second-semester students in one of the universities in Yogyakarta in the academic year 2020-2021. The participants were 31 students from second semester students who took Speaking for Professional Context and Paragraph Writing class. This study is mixed method descriptive qualitative-quantitative study which used observation, questionnaire, and interview to obtain the data. The result showed that students are ready to conduct and join online learning process from the infrastructure and supporting tools. However, the data also showed that unstable internet connection problems are the biggest problem for students and lecturers to conduct online leaning of productive classes.

KEYWORDS: Analysis, Productive Skills, Readiness, Online Learning

264 – 276 |   ISSN: 2579-437X  |  Volume 7, 9 October 2021

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