Tenika Illananingtyas

Institut Agama Islam Tribakti Kediri

Email: tenikaillananingtyas07@gmail.com


The coronavirus pandemic is undoubtedly a challenging test for all countries because it tests the ability of all countries to find solutions to every problem that exists while taking lessons. Social distancing and isolation have been implemented in several countries affected by the Covid-19 disease. This quarantine policy will undoubtedly violate the right of every citizen to adequate educational services because the policy has led to the closure of schools and campuses. The learning process is carried out online or by implementing e-learning. This way to avoid contact with one another. The purpose of holding this research is to look at the media used to implement e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, considerations in choosing e-learning media, and the advantages and disadvantages found in implementing e-learning. The research was aimed at 8 English lecturers who teach at Islamic universities in Kediri. This study uses descriptive qualitative, and the data used is distributed through online questionnaires, which are then drawn into percentages and described. The results of the analysis state that (1) most respondents prefer to use Google Classroom, followed by Google Meeting, Zoom, Edmodo, WhatsApp, and YouTube applications, (2) accessibility in communication, supporting media, type of evaluation, design, and price are considerations for respondents in choosing e-learning media (3) Online classes provide a more flexible time and place, although an internet connection is the biggest problem when respondents organize e-learning, (4) Student activity in learning activities using e-learning.

KEYWORDS: Covid-19 Pandemic, Implementation Of E-Learning, English Learning

292 – 303 |   ISSN: 2579-437X  |  Volume 7, 9 October 2021

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