Dhaiva Asterina Ramadhani1, Agung Wicaksono2

University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Indonesia

 Email: dhaiva@unpkediri.ac.id1; agung@unpkediri.ac.id2


The current condition is in a pandemic, so learning is carried out online and there is limited time for teaching and learning activities. When online learning, the teacher have many applications available to carry out teaching and learning activities, an example is Google Classroom. In choosing learning media the teacher must recognize the characteristics, disadvantages, and advantages of the application. The teacher also has to adjust the learning media that is suitable for learning and in this study, the teacher taught writing so the teacher must adjust the learning media to her writing class. This study discusses how to implement Google Classroom in teaching writing to overcome the limited time to eleventh grade at SMKN 1 Kediri. The writer uses qualitative research with the subject is English teacher at SMKN 1 Kediri. The data collection used by the writer is observation. The writer found that Google Classroom could overcome the limited time for teaching and learning activities in the writing class of eleventh grade at SMKN 1 Kediri.

KEYWORDS: Google Classroom, Online Learning, Learning Media, Limited Time

73 – 80 |   ISSN: 2579-437X  |  Volume 7, 9 October 2021

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