Ambar Wulan Sari

English of Education,University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia



This study aimed at describe the semiotic sign of religious rituals and symbols contained in places of worship. The purpose of this study was to determine the semiotic type of each image of religious rituals and symbols found in places of worship. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data were taken from the Sidorame HKBP church, Maha Maitreya Cemara Asri Temple, and Bale Pasogit in Clean Water. The results of this study analyze the religious rituals and symbols in Protestant Christianity, Maha Maitreya Cemara Asri temple and the Parmalim religion. The technique for collecting data is observed religious rituals and symbols that have been reasearched, and the researcher writes all the data or anything that was included to the problems of the study. The technique for analyzing the data was taken and the meaning of the symbols, the meaning of religious rituals and symbols, classified the types of semiotic such as Icon, Index and Symbol and described the dominant types of semiotic. The findings of this research are the discovery of semiotic signs, namely icons, indexes and symbols on images and symbols in places of worship. Each picture has a different meaning. The most dominant types is the symbol 91.5%, indexes 26% and icons 13%. The symbol is often found in some places of worship.

KEYWORDS: Semiotics, Religious Plurality, Medan Society.

1 – 10 |   ISSN: 2579-437X  |  Volume 7, 9 October 2021

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