Puput Idasari 1, Lu’luil Maknun 2 Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Puput.idasari28@gmail.com1; luluilmaknun87@gmail.com2 ABSTRACT The progress of education with access to technology for several years can improve the quality of education. Using technology in learning processes online or offline found out the weaknesses and strengths of delivering materialism. Hence, the use of Word Up Application, which…
Read MoreOlivia Devi Anggraini1, M. R. Nababan2, Djatmika3 Universitas Sebelas Maret E-mail: oliiphiya@icloud.com1, Amantaradja@yahoo.com2 , djatmika@staff.uns.ac.id3 ABSTRACT Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi terjemahan tindak tutur yang ditemukan pada video game horror buatan Indonesia berjudul DreadOut 1. Seperti penerjemahan audiovisual lainnya, pada penerjemahan video game terbatas pada jumlah karakter. Kendati demikian, penerjemah harus secara bijak memilih untuk menyampaikan pesan…
Read MoreOctavia Annike Putri English Education Departement kekeoktavia10@gmail.com ABSTRACT Speaking is an activity that is usually carried out to express feeling and ideas. Usually communication will take place well if both speakers and listeners can understand the message using a certain language. In learning English, students who want to be fluent in speaking they have to…
Read MoreMuhammad Khoirun Hafidz Universitas Nusantara Pgri Kediri/English Department Email: virusrembes@gmail.com ABSTRACT This research aimed 1) to know the teachers and students carry out online English teaching and learning, 2) to know the challenges of online English teaching and learning, and 3) to know about how the teacher and students solve the challenges during carrying out…
Read MoreMonicha Nurmasnah1, Valentina Dyah Arum Sari2 Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Indonesia Email: monichanrmsnh@gmail.com1, valentina@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id2 ABSTRACT In Indonesia, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has spread in the education sector. The policy issued by the central government is to dismiss all educational institutions for online learning.…
Read MoreMaiyakti Ayu Sholikha English Education Department, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri Email: maiyakti10tbs2@gmail.com ABSTRACT Speaking becomes a basic skill that students have to learn to communicate their ideas orally. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities are required from respective homes or known as online learning. To help the students always active in speaking…
Read MoreM.S. Wiyanto1, E. A. Armareza2 English Education Depatment of STKIP PGRI Jombang, East Java, Indonesia Email: msaibaniw@gmail.com1, erineasiharmareza@gmail.com2 ABSTRACT This article was conducted to analyze the politeness strategies and the factors that influence the choice of politeness strategies used by teacher and students in classroom interaction. This article used sociolinguistic approach with politeness strategies as…
Read MoreM.R Aziz1, D. Fadhilawati2 and N. Sutanti3 Universitas Islam Balitar Indonesia Email: rizky.aziz014@gmail.com1; dianfadhilawati@yahoo.com2; nitasutanti4789@gmail.com3 ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to examine the effectiveness of the use of Quizizz to increase the eighth students’ grammar achievement especially in the use of simple present tense and present continuous tense. The design of this research…
M. Wildan Habibi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Email: wildanhabibi66@gmail.com ABSTRACT Speaking ability is an of important skill in learning process of English. There are some problems that students might have in every process of teaching learning English Speaking, correctness, fluency, coherency, pronoun, and spelling are all elements of the difficulty. The objectives of this study…
Read MoreLulu Hernawati Atmaja Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri luluhernawatiatmaja@gmail.com ABSTRACT Learning English in schools should encourage students to be more creative. English teachers ideally link the competencies taught to the real world, namely how English is used, including writing skills. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the duration and number of face-to-face meetings is very limited, so teachers…
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