Laily Rahmawati1, Agung Wicaksono2 Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, ABSTRACT This research aims to describe how to implement online portofolio assessment in reading class and students respond when online portofolio is implemented. Portfolio is one of authentic assessment that is the set of collection of work and ability in the learning process. An online…
Read MoreK.R.A. Safari Universitas Islam Nusantara, Indonesia Email: ABSTRACT The expansion of grammatical features in descriptive text from junior high school to senior high school leads students to commit errors in their writing. Metalinguistic corrective feedback therefore is presented as an alternative feedback to overcome this problem. This research is presented in quantitative research. Two…
Read MoreJeremia Viktor Prasetia Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri ABSTRACT Teaching English, especially to young learners, must be fun and enjoyable. Game is considered as one of the best ways to teach English to young learners. This research aims to describe the implementation of teaching speaking and to find out the result of teaching speaking using…
Read MoreHafsah Mardhotillah Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the effect of compensation and psychological well-being on work engagement for private elementary school teachers during the pandemic. This study involved 408 samples, which were teachers in private elementary schools in Karawang Regency. Sample selection was done by using purposive cluster…
Read MoreGreta Meladianti1, Sulistyani 2 University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri gretamella0014@gmail.com1; sulissulistyani@rocketmail.com2 ABSTRACT In the 21st century, innovation in teaching writing is needed to develop writing skills for students. This innovation is closely related to the strategies used to teach writing. Therefore, the purposes of this research was to investigate the implementation of Neighborhood Work Strategy…
Read MoreGiga Baptista1, Khoiriyah2 Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri gigibaptista1@gmail.com1; ABSTRACT Writing is a process of thinking to invent ideas, thinking about how to express into good writing, and arranging the ideas into clear statements and paragraphs. However, the fact is a lot of students had difficulties in writing. They cannot put their ideas into writing…
Read MoreGiency Alma Puspita Sari¹, Dewi Kencanawati², Rika Riwayatiningsih³ Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri aliciagiencyaps@gmail.com¹;²;³ ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic requires all activities to be carried out online, including teaching and learning activities in schools. In this online learning period, it becomes a challenge for English teachers in teaching. Teachers must be able to take advantage…
Read MoreDwi Fitriatnaningtyas1, Khoiriyah2 , Diani Nurhajati3 University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri Email: dwifitriatna1998@gmail.com1;; ABSTRACT Corona virus disease (Covid-19) has changed all aspects of life, especially in education system. The teaching and learning process is done from home so that the mobilization and direct interaction are limited. Both teachers and students must adapt to…
Read MoreDiani Nurhajati University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri Email: ABSTRACT The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture published a policy dealing with teaching and learning process since March 2020 because of the spread of Covid-19 virus. It forced teachers, lecturers and students must adapt with the new condition. Online teaching and learning is the only…
Read MoreDhaiva Asterina Ramadhani1, Agung Wicaksono2 University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Indonesia Email:; ABSTRACT The current condition is in a pandemic, so learning is carried out online and there is limited time for teaching and learning activities. When online learning, the teacher have many applications available to carry out teaching and learning activities, an…
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